Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development (70-573 ) valid dumps

Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development (70-573 ) valid dumps



Monday, December 13, 2010

Add Custom Master Pages to your Site Collections as a feature

Add Custom Master Pages to your Site Collections as a feature

Step 1:

Navigate to the Features directory on your web server:
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\

Step 2:

Locate the PublishingLayouts Feature directory. 
Copy this folder and paste it at the root of Features
Rename the folder to a unique name of your choice.
 For my example I used KMMasterPages.

Step 3:

Inside MasterPages folder delete all default master pages or keep one which you want to modify.
I have created a new master page “ KMB.master”.

Step 4:

Next, open the ProvisionedFiles.xml file in Notepad or a similar editing application.
Delete all of the content and only keep the OSGMasterPages Module tag
And the PublishingLayoutsPreviewImages Module tag. 
As opposed to listing out what to strip out, here is the code you need in this file(Copy and past)










Step 5:

Create a preview image in the language folder
(in this case, en-us).And paste following folders(if available)
Es-es, fr-fr, image, ja-jp, pt-br, pt-pt, zh-tw

Step 6:

There are four things need to edit in this file:
Change the Feature ID to a unique GUID, 
You can generate GUIDs in Visual Studio (Tools - Create GUID - Registry Format - Copy).
Paste the new GUID for the ID and remove the curly brackets.
<Feature Id="FDFCD4C4-F0D9-43b5-8739-A33681049657"
Update the title:
Title="Custom Master Pages"
Update the description:
Description="Custom master pages for use across multiple site collections."
Change the Hidden state to False:

Step 7

You are now ready to install the new Feature on the web server.
Open a Command Prompt and enter the following:
Change directories to the BIN folder in the 12 hive so you can use STSADM.exe:
cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN
Launch STSADM and install the feature:
stsadm -o installfeature -name YourFeatureDirectoryName

Step 8

Activate the feature from Site collection feature from site setting.

Feature to create new section and link in settings.aspx in sharepoint 2007

Add Custom Section in settings.axpx as a feature

Step 1:

Navigate to the Features directory on your web server:
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES

Step 2:

Create a new folder and rename it “Custom Section” (name can be anything).

Step 3:

Create two xml files of following name
1. Feature.xml
2. ElementManifest.xml (Can be any name)

Step 5:

You are now ready to install the new Feature on the web server. Open a Command Prompt and enter the following:
Change directories to the BIN folder in the 12 hive so you can use STSADM.exe:
cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN
Launch STSADM and install the feature:
stsadm -o installfeature -name YourFeatureDirectoryName

Step 8

Activate the feature from Site collection feature from site setting.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What are IL Code, CTS, CLS, CLR and JIT?

IL Code:
·        Compiler compiles the source code to half compiled code called as Intermediate Language (IL) Code.
·        It is an environment independent partially compiled code.
CLR(Common Language Runtime)
·        Releases unused objects from the current program (Garbage Collection).
·        Does code access security and code verification for the Operating system.
·        CLR pulls the IL code and gives to JIT.
CTS(Common Type System)
·        CTS help us to use the code of one language to another language.
·        After compilation of the program the data type will convert into common type system to ensure that there will be smooth communication between the languages.
CLS(Common Language Spesification)
·        Set of rules or guidelines that will ensure it will fall in CTS and can be consumed by any .Net language.
JIT(Just In Time)
·        Reads every line of IL code and convert machine specific code (binary code) so that it can be execute.